1. God is good and only Good- When Jesus rose from the dead and the temple veil was torn in two, there was nothing left but the goodness of God to flow into our lives. The finished work of Jesus established the “Covenant of Peace” (Is. 54:9-10) so that we would never have to be afraid of what God might do to us. From the finished work of Jesus, (2 Cor 5:20, Rom 5:18-9) he gave us the gift of righteousness so that we would be free from the power of sin and the devil to experience God’s goodness. Testimonies are a major contributor to us getting this into our hearts and culture
2. Joy and Hope- As we believe and experience the truth about God (John 8:31-32) and what he has done for us, we will experience the freedom he intended and joy will come as a fruit of what we are experiencing. We are a church family that believes there is hope for every person and in every situation we encounter (Rom 5:3-4, 15:13). Laughter is good medicine (Prov 17:22).
3. Grace and Empowerment- Grace is God’s ability, capacity, and power released into our heart to change our lives (Eph 2:8-9). It is released when we believe we are righteous (Rom 5:21), own our need, and set our intentions toward change (Heb 4:16).
4. A Culture of Honor and Safety- We were created a little lower than the Godhead and God crowned us with dignity and worth (Ps 8:5). With so much disrespect and dishonor in our society we declare this house a safe place where all people will be valued and honored, regardless of age, gender, race or financial status (I Cor 12:23). Honor accurately acknowledges the people who are in our lives (Matt 10:40-42). Honor confronts wrongs in the lives of others through love and prophetic eyes, not punishment. Honor values confidentiality. Honor says we will make this a safe place for all people. We value open and honest relationships. We are to walk in the light (1 John 1:5-7). We are to be known by others (1 Cor 13:12). Our relationships will not be forced, but rather they will be a response to being loved.
5. Restoration- No matter where a person has been, what they have done, how they have lived, or what they have been through, we are here as a house where they can start over without a label or judgment (Matt 11:28-30)
6. Family- We want singles to be fulfilled and feel loved. We want to see happy marriages, parents enjoying their children and children having a happy childhood. It’s our desire to support families as they nurture loving relationships. We recognize the family as a basic building block of the church.
7. Valuing His Presence- We believe that a church that worships in spirit and truth will experience the gift of God's supernatural presence (Acts 16:25-32). Presence comes through hunger for God, humility, and worship. We become similar to the thing that we worship, thus worship will be an important part of everything we do. Since the veil has been torn in two, we are free to enter the holy of holies. We intentionally promote, guard and honor his presence in our midst.
8. Individual Responsibility- We will do all we can to help people face whatever comes into their lives. We will encourage them to trust God and make healthy, quality, personal decisions. We will not attempt to control them or foster codependency. People will be helped through Heart Ministry, Sozo Ministry, counseling, mentoring and training (Gal 6:5).
9. Growth, Discipleship, and Training- We want to develop a process that takes people on a journey whereby they can be established first as Believers, then as Disciples, then as Servants and finally trained as Leaders. (Matt 28:19)
10. A Supernatural and Prophetic Culture- We are committed to creating an environment where everyone can have encounters with God. We expect miracles and we train ourselves to see people as God sees them. We prophetically call out the gold God has placed inside every person. We will do all we can to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to this planet (Matt 6:10). Accomplishing this involves surrender, sacrifice, and yielding to the Holy Spirit.
11. Outreach- Our intent is to take the Kingdom to the world. The Kingdom is the love, presence, and power of God. It is his desire to connect with people and set them free. Together we will discover a variety of ways to do this. (Mark 16:15-18)
12. Generosity and Gratefulness- These are the two gateways for us to experience the promises of God in our lives and in our Church. They go hand in hand and are the common denominator for people fulfilling their dreams and being happy (Prov 11:24-25).
13. Living your Dream- Whatever God has put inside you at creation we want to see developed and moved forth. We will do all we can to help you realize and live out your dreams.
14. Integrity and Character- We value these things for all of us, but our leaders must be people who have proven themselves to be honorable in character, commitments, and transparency. Ultimate love is demonstrated through sacrifice and servanthood. Servanthood is the ultimate mark of a leader because he/she responds out of love, not out of convenience. Many times love is not convenient. (Matt 20:24-28, I Tim 3:1-7))
15. Felt Love- Above all else, it is our desire that everyone we come in contact with feels loved by us and by God. Love that is not felt has no value to people (Prov 27:5). Love never ceases to be effective (1 Cor 13:8). Without love, all the other values described herein are meaningless!